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One-day painting course from 9:00 - 16:00
with instructor Katerina Rutherford
You can schedule a painting course for a group of friends (minimum of six people) a time that suits your group. Painting classes with wine tastings are perfect for bachelor or bachelorette parties, wedding parties, etc.
3rd Juni 2023 and than to be continued in September
Motto: "The school of seeing strives to ensure that all people learn not only to see but also to paint. Some may consider it a utopia - but a similar utopia has already taken place - after all, we can all read and write." (Radoslav Kutra)

A one-day painting class on Saturday is suitable for everyone, regardless of their level. Neither being a beginner nor the age of each student are important. Each one-day course is limited to 8 students and I devote plenty of time and attention to each individual.
At the start of each course, every student can arrange a still life according to their imagination, but I usually have 3 still life themes ready. Students then decide which one they will paint during the day. I often arrange still lifes with the aim of a certain theme, such as a lot of white or with flowers or objects, perhaps with non-traditional designs or composition in order to find creativity in chaos. For example, one such composition was the placement of repetitive objects such as yarns of different sizes using a colorful background.........
I introduce students to painting according to the School of Seeing, which emphasizes primarily a conscious seeing of each color to broaden the perception of the full color spectrum.
We paint with oil paints. Sometimes, a course is focused on a certain painting principle such as a limited palette, which leads us more to an awareness of warm and cold colors in the construction of space.
Students can also choose an image by a famous painter that they want to interpret by their own hand. Some favorites include Van Gogh, Paul Cezanne, Pissaro, Bonard, Zrzavý, etc.
There is a kitchen in the studio where students make coffee or tea, have a snack and, of course, we also taste wines made by my husband Mark or other winemakers from the Mikulov wine scene.
adults with painting material / 1500,- kč incl. vht
students up 18 with painting material 1250,- kč incl. vht