Painting Classes by School of Seeing in Mikulov
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You can schedule a painting course for a group of friends (minimum of six people) a time that suits your group. Painting classes with wine tastings are perfect for bachelor or bachelorette parties, wedding partiese etc.
A beautifully written article in Expat about transformation of California dream of Katerina and Mark Rutherford into Moravian region .
Fotky z Malířského kurzu uprostřed Pálavy 1. - 4.5. 2019
School of Seeing
SCHOOL OF SEEING means a certain approach to visual culture. It is an art theory based on Impressionism and Paul Cézanne, created by the painter and teacher Radoslav Kutra. It is this unique combination that shows a new way in painting.
This technique aims to help the painter realise what they see and paint the motif using relationships between warm and cool colours. Thanks to this method of painting, the painter finds a foundation for their artistic experimenting. They can always return to it in order to gain new strength. "This absolute technique of painting, based on qualitative perception of colours and immediacy, surpasses any style cliché." (1)
School of Seeing is trying to overcome individualism and elitism of today's "official art". Anyone, regardless of education, age or ability, can study painting and learn to paint. After all, everyone has the ability to see colours. It is a way of seeing that is open to all people, not just so-called "talented individuals". Talented in the sense of "a drawing talent", which not many people possess. If a person wants to set out on a journey of painting and seeing, they need to have desire and determination. And maybe even courage, since it is necessary to discard prejudice, cliché, and also the forms acquired over the time providing a certain degree of security and comfort.
This method does not teach completed forms. On the contrary, it gets rid of them. It does not want us to express complexity or pass a painting exam with an A, but be sincere and truthful.
The whole theory, which this school is based on, is described by Radoslav Kutra in his book called Die Schule des Sehens. The Czech translation is named Viditelný čas. In this theory, the main task of the painter is to teach people to see the way the painter does. It is the colours that he sees first. Only then he realises what the object itself is - a cup, for instance. This way of looking at things revives painting, which nowadays uses colours only as a complement of drawing, without experiencing the visual colour perception, but not as a foundation for painting.
Marie Nováková, Marie Smetanová, Jana Rozková, Kateřina Rutherford a Doris Windlin who are all members of the art group Experiment 2, promote the principles of School of Seeing /in the Czech Republic, Switzerland, the U.S.A/, in both their own work and in painting courses which they run.
(1) Radoslav KUTRA: Slovník školy vidění, Brno 2005.

Painting classes in plein air 2023
Spring Pálava
Autum Pálava
1. 10. - 4. 10. 2025
adult price 5650 kč incl vht
students up 18 let cena s 4650 kč include vht
painting material for whole course 950 kč(includes oil paints, brushes, painting bords with variaty of format, linceed oil, turpentine)

Saturday Courses 2025
one day Saturday course
26. 1. /22. 2. /15. 3.
5. 4. /31. 5./21.6
adults with material
1800,- kč include vht
students up 18 with materia1
1500,-kč include vht

Summer painting in Mikulov
26. 7. Saturday - 31. 7. Thursday 2025
students up 18 / 6650 kč include vht
adults / 7650 kč
include vht
painting material for whole course/ 1500,- kč without vht
painting material includes oil paints, brushes, painting bords with variaty of format, linceed oil, turpentine